Thursday, April 7, 2011

Suppose the whole body was an eye!!

Again as you look at the continuing thread of Unity in the UCA you will see that the UCA acknowledges that all people are called in to ministry and mission and that we are all, as members of the church and God’s family, given skills and spiritual gifts so that we can work together to be part of the body of Christ in the world. The context of this can be seen in 1 Peter 2:9 and 1 Corinthians 12:12-31. Also in the Basis of Union in paragraph 13 it says (The UCA) "It acknowledges with thanksgiving that the one Spirit has endowed the members of Christ's Church with a diversity of gifts, and that there is no gift without its corresponding service:all ministries have a part in the ministry of Christ."

This is great for many reasons. It means that every member of the church is expected and encouraged to be part of the mission of the church. This takes away the traditional view of Churches that were originally ordained Minister led and focused.

At all times in the life of the church there is expected to be ordained as well as lay (non ordained) people gathered as well as both men and women.

When everyone has acknowledged gifts and skills it encourages congregations to work together rather than relying on one person. In fact the role of the ordained Minister then becomes one of empowering and equipping the congregation for mission and raising up potential leaders within the church community. Personally, I think it helps to form relationships within the congregation because people can work in teams and support each other while doing mission. It also takes pressure off the Minister to be all knowing and all doing and in fact supports the growth of leadership. As a leader in the church you would want people who know more than you do to be in your congregation so you too can learn and grow. Of course, that is in addition to your formal supervisor and mentor that you would also have in place as an ordained Minister to help support you and encourage personal growth and formation.

Finding ways for people in congregations to use their gifts and skills not only makes light work it also builds up the body and is a blessing to all those involved. In fact it may just help someone else realise the call that God has placed on their life!

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